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Does it feel like your man doesn’t appreciate you? Have you forgotten how good it feels to have a strong secure man love you just for who you are?

You’re not alone. You are not broken. My goal is NOT to change you but to see, with all your success in other areas of your life, what’s getting in the way of the most important thing: attracting the love of your life.

LOVE you desire

We don’t change you, we free you to be loved

Is your life fulfilling in every way but one? Let me tell you a secret – it’s not about trying harder. It’s about letting me show you the secrets that attract a Strong Secure man. A man who wants to take care of you, make you feel safe and loves being your hero. If this is what you’re looking for, who wants to take care of you.

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Best selling author Bob Grant shares about the heart of man and the secrets to intimacy.


WMA Client

Hello Bob, The Women Men Adore is superb and one of the most impressive things about it is the clarity, directness and simplicity with the concepts conveyed. I couldn’t have asked for better. I’ve had so many eproducts through the internet that have been so much superfluous verbiage, I’ve got sick of plugging through it all, sometimes so much so that the meaning becomes lost or obscured in the maze! Yours are a joy. An excellent investment! Thank you again. Sincerely


WMA Client

Dear Bob Grant, Thank you for your program “The Woman Men Adore…and Never Want to Leave.”.I have tried one of your suggestions and they worked :), so I trust all the others and I’ m exited about their effects, so thank you very much indeed! Best wishes,


WMA Client

Dear Bob, I don’t know if you will get this email, but I wanted to express my gratitude about your techniques in “The Woman Men Adore”. I was 20 years old, and I had never been with anyone. I wanted to learn, however, and so I purchased your program. What you revealed at the time sounded a bit simple. But I did wonder if you were right. Today, I’m with someone that loves me and cherishes me. We’ve had our ups and downs, but I have applied your techniques, and let me just say: they WORK. We actually had a conflict not so long ago over behavior that I felt was inappropriate. The few things I said were more EFFECTIVE than if I would’ve yelled and screamed and nagged. He asked me, “What can I do so the next time I don’t hurt you the way I hurt you tonight?” He really wanted to make me feel better, he wanted to please me. It was exactly how you had described in your program. I have followed everything you’ve mentioned in the program to the letter. Women who question your techniques without trying them are insane. Sincerely,


WMA Client

Your program is a lifesaver!! Thank you thank you thank you!! It saved my marriage!! I went through it three times..

Maria D.

WMA Client

I have started ‘The Woman Men Adore and Never Want To Leave’ program. I am finding it inspiring , allowing me insight into my own relationship issues and confidence to listen to my heart first. The graphic description about a man’s heart is amazing, it makes it so much easier for me to understand a man’s responses. Thank you Bob,


WMA Client

Dear Bob, I purchased your program Woman Men Adore over a month ago. The results really are outstanding. My partner has gone from my worst nightmare to the man of my dreams I never thought would actually be real beyond my wildest dreams! We were separating almost hating each other, three weeks ago he proposed to me, we will marry in august and we have never been happier. I myself am trained in psychotherapy and despite spending the last for years qualifying and taking relationship workshops none of it has such amazing effective fast results. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and wisdom. It’s quite some legacy to leave.


WMA Program Client

I have finished The Women Men Adore Program. Loved it. I have had so much attention in the last three months then I have my entire life. I have men hitting on me everywhere I go now and it’s almost over whelming. The funniest part of it all… I’m 41 and I have yet to date a man over 33 in the last 3 months since going through the program. I never dated younger men and now I love it and I have more in common with them then men my age. Crazy… never thought I would! I’m really loving my life for the first time in years even as a single mother of two great kids. I love it! Thanks!

Tina Torkelson

In this private coaching, Bob Grant, PLC will dive into your life and make specific suggestions about what is causing you to miss out on the love you deserve.

Our goal is NOT to change you but to see, with all your success in other areas of your life, what’s getting in the way of the most important thing: Attracting the love of your life.

Let Bob Help


It shouldn’t be a job to find love. Instead of constantly swiping left, feeling frustrated and disappointed, let me coach you to attract the man that’s perfect for you.

For decades I’ve helped thousands of women attract a wonderful man that was perfect for them and their high achieving lifestyle.

I’ll personally guide you through the challenges that are blocking your path towards finding true love.


PROGRAMS FOR YOUR unique situation

Understanding Men:

What Are They Thinking?

Be Irresistible:

What Men Respond To Emotionally

Dating Advice:

Dating to Get Married

A Deeper Connection

Sustaining Relationships

Discover More


Understanding Men

Understanding Men: Connecting With His Heart Ever found yourself puzzled by the complexities of men’s behavior? You’re not alone. Many accomplished women grapple with the challenges of understanding men, navigating a maze that often feels bewildering. One moment, everything seems perfect, and the next, you’re left pondering over a sudden shift in mood or an […]

6 Common Traits of Male Manipulators

The art of manipulation is all around us; simply turn on the TV or open your social media app and you’ll see good examples of people trying to convince you to buy a product, support a political candidate, or believe something to be true. In this post, we will look at the 6 traits all […]

Nine Ways to Heal Family Rifts & Become More Functional

As a soul on the other side, you agreed to reincarnate into a certain family to further your spiritual evolution. The family you would be born into wouldn’t be “perfect” by any means: there would be family members you can’t stand and others you would have nothing in common with. But your family would be perfect for working on your karma.

6 Things Men Can’t Resist in A Woman: What Men Find Irresistible

Men often can’t describe what has such power over them and makes women totally irresistible. Additionally, a man may not have the ability to pinpoint exactly what it is about a woman that he finds sexy – he just knows what’s sexy when he sees it. 

Dating Turn-offs for Men

You’ve got yourself a date with a great guy and you really like him. You would love to see him again, so make sure that you don’t turn him off by saying and doing the wrong things. Here are 8 turn-offs to bear in mind when dating men:

Top 5 Things a Conservative Woman Must Know When Entering a Long Distance Relationship

Are you a conservative woman getting into a long-distance relationship? Do you continually question whether you will be able to gently sail through the turmoil that people say such relationships come with?

Top 3 First Date Mistakes To Avoid

A softer job interview at best and often an emotional disaster ground, the first date is a necessary evil to a romantic happy ending. And sometimes, they are quite wonderful. But the bad has infected the first date’s reputation and to salvage it, we must attack the root of the problem. I racked my memory […]

Do You Want Him To Listen…or Remember?

So you’re pouring your heart out to the man you love or maybe just a guy you’re interested in. He’s listening to you intently as you share more and more and more. Everything you mention has significance to you because you’ve lived it.


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Meet Your Coach


Hi, I’m Bob, a Clinically Trained Relationship Expert who’s been working with high achieving women since 1997. My great pleasure comes from helping women like you achieve the same level of success in your relationship as you do in all other areas of your life.

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How to be
irresistible TO MEN

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