Embracing Your Emotions Options

Our Embracing Your Emotions Experience begins Wednesday, Sept 8.

This is a 3-month journey where I’ll take you inside your heart and show you how your emotions work FOR you and melt a man’s heart.

Like it did for Marisa…

We offer 3 different levels for this experience.

Emotions Full Experience

Emotions Full Experience Platinum Level

Each month this includes…

2 group meetings – weekly exercises in between groups
Your Private Online Journal Experience is unlike any other.

You will journal, I will speak to your emotions in a way you cannot imagine.
At the conclusion, you will receive a copy of all materials/Group meetings.

Emotions Group and Modules

Emotions Group and Modules Gold Level

Each month this includes…

* 2 Group meetings – weekly exercises in between groups

* Training 6 Modules

* No Private Journal
At the conclusion, you will receive a copy of all materials/Group meetings.

Emotions Program

Emotions Program Silver Level

Each month this includes…

* 2 Training Modules Per Month (6 total)

You will receive the Training Modules on the same schedule as our other group members.

When we’re done you’ll have your emotions work for you – without you having to THINK about it. Just like for Michelle.

Your emotions are an untapped well that men find exhilarating, as Kristin soon found out.

If you decide to join us, I’d be honored to be your guide. Whether you’ve been in therapy or never read a single self-help book, there’s a place for you at the table.

Just pick your level and I’ll take care of all the details.



P.S. Still Unsure? Here’s what Rena and Linda said after their experience…

When we’re done you’ll have your emotions work for you – without you having to THINK about it. Just like for Michelle.

Your emotions are an untapped well that men find exhilarating, as Kristin soon found out.

If you decide to join us, I’d be honored to be your guide. Whether you’ve been in therapy or never read a single self-help book, there’s a place for you at the table.

Just pick your level and I’ll take care of all the details.



P.S. Still Unsure? Here’s what Rena and Linda said after their experience…


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Because I’ve helped thousands of men and women attract the love they want, I know exactly what it will take to attract the love of your dreams. I will personally coach you through everything you need to know that allows love to come into your life.