Welcome to Relationship Headquarters

Here’s What You Get With Each Issue…

Welcome to RelationshipHeadquarters, your source for understanding men and relationships, founded by Bob Grant, PLC.

Who Is Bob?

Bob Grant is a clinically trained relationship expert with over 20 years experience helping people foster and develop positive, supporting relationships. After spending more than 15 years in both a hospital and private practice settings, Bob Grant founded RelationshipHeadquarters.com in 2001 as a way to help women worldwide experience the same fulfillment his regular clients have been experiencing in his private practice. RelationshipHeadquarters.com now reaches both women and men in over 45 countries and growing.

What You Will Find On Our Site

Relationship Headquarters provides solutions for women and couples for nearly every situation. Our products and services — whether free or fee-based, online or offline — are designed to give women insights into what makes for successful relationships so that they can apply our principles to their unique situation. Our offerings include:

Library of Expert Articles (FREE):

RelationshipHeadquarters.com is full of expert advice on a wide variety of topics, to help you find, grow and keep your love. A great place to start is the Understanding Men section, where you’ll learn such things as 3 Things Men Can’t Resist in a Woman, and the 4 Types of Women Men Avoid.

Special Relationship Reports (FREE):

Our lists of Special reports are available just by making a request. Each individual report covers a specific area that our visitors have asked that we address. To view a list of these reports simply click here.

Relationship Programs:

Bob Grant’s bestselling programs have sold more than 100,000 copies in over 25 countries and continue to provide insights that produce results. Which Program is for you?

The Women Men Adore Club

Join the members only club and get expert advice at a fraction of the cost of working with a Clinically Trained Relationship Expert.

– expert advice
– members only forums
 the proven program to become absolutely irresistible to men

Customized Individual Consultation:

Because Mr. Grant loves working with individuals, he does set aside a limited amount of time each week to work with a few, carefully selected individuals as his schedule allows. If you would like to see if working 1-on-1 is an option for you, then please contact us his personal assistant will get back with you shortly!

We’re glad you’re here and our wish is quite simple. Helping you experience the relationship you’ve always dreamed about!


Bob Grant, PLC