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How To Inspire A Man To Pursue You

The key to inspiring a man’s masculine need to step up and pursue you is knowing your value and putting YOUR heart first.

This is a very different feeling and vibe than trying to impress a man and convince him that you’re a high-value woman or that you’d be a great partner.

The truth is, a man can’t love and respect you any more than you love and respect YOURSELF. It all starts with you.

When you truly recognize your value as a woman deep down, the way you behave and the way you speak starts to work differently – your vibe organically starts to change, and this makes you incredibly attractive!

For example, if deep down you truly know your value and you put your heart first, you’re not going to tolerate bad behavior. You’d instinctively feel turned off if a man wasn’t treating you well.

You wouldn’t want to waste your time on a man who’s interested in other women or unsure about his feelings for you.

The most important thing about this is – you want this feeling that you know your value to be on the INSIDE, not on the outside like a wall you build up around yourself.

You don’t want to just say to a man, “I’m a high-value woman, you need to treat me like a queen. Here’s my list of requirements…”

A woman who REALLY knows her value wouldn’t need to say that. Anything you do or say to try to “get” him to realize that you’re a high-value woman is going to backfire on you.

Instead, you want to watch what he does, and you see how that makes you FEEL.

If he’s making you happy and he contacts you regularly and keeps pursuing you, he’s doing what he’s supposed to do – he’s treating you like the high-value woman you are!

If he stops doing these things and it starts to feel weird to you, your mentality should be, “This doesn’t feel right to me. I’m a woman who needs a certain amount of contact and maybe we’re not on the same page.”

Or, if you’re dating other men as well, he’d simply “get lost in the shuffle” since there’d be so many other men who ARE pursuing you!

It’s the way you respond to the way he acts. So you’re a high-value woman and you don’t have to do anything to make him feel it, except respond as a woman who knows her value would respond.

The right man for you will want to pursue you with absolutely NO prodding or convincing from you!

You want to be warm, open, and receptive to a man when he shows up. If a man stops pursuing you, you don’t want to go into “convincing mode” and start pursuing HIM – this will decrease your value in his eyes and push him away on a deep, unconscious level.

Once you truly believe deep down that the right man for you will recognize your value (just like you do!) and pursue you all on his own – you just won’t accept anything less!

I truly believe that you’re a high-value woman – you have what it takes to attract high-quality men and inspire them to give you all the love, affection, and commitment you want and deserve.

If this is hard for you to believe, you’re not alone! I used to feel like the OPPOSITE of a high-value woman – until I learned how to shift my vibe and stop blocking love and great men from coming towards me.

The fantastic thing about being a woman is that inspiring a man to pursue you doesn’t involve any effort at all! It’s simply about BEING who you are, not “doing.”

Many of my clients have had a similar experience – everything shifts once they start experiencing what it’s like to be pursued by high-quality men who want to be with them because of WHO they are, rather than what they do.

This is where I want you to be – truly knowing your value and being pursued by men who know your value too!

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About the Author

Coach Kathleen


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