7 Romantic Habits of Passionate Couples

Do you ever wish you were that couple in the restaurant that is so into each other you cannot take your eyes off of them?

What do they have that you don’t?
What is their secret to passion and romance?

Passionate couples have this something that almost holds you in a trance. The way they look and speak and touch each other has an easy, effortless grace and a deep underlying devotion. It’s like you can reach out and touch what they have together.

Passionate couples…

1. They touch each other often.

Passionate couples touch each other often and in different ways. They have an intimacy in their touching that allows no one else in. They hold hands when they walk together or sit together. It almost seems instinctive for them to reach out for each other to feel the connection.

They hug each other often. It is said that it takes 4 hugs a day for survival, 8 for maintenance and 12 for growth. Passionate couples give good hugs to each other! You know, the kind of hug that makes you feel safe and loved…as if you are home. And there is the passing touch.

Passionate couples give each other a light kiss on the neck or a quick touch to the arm as they walk by each other…just a little touch that says, “I love you and you are on my mind.”

2. They look each other in the eye and smile.

Passionate couples look each other directly in the eye and hold their gaze for a few seconds before looking away. They look and see the heart of their mate. They look for and see their mate’s soul.

They look at each other like they are interested and curious about each other. And they smile. Passionate couples smile with their hearts and their eyes at the same time. It’s a smile meant for just two.

3. They show each other off and are proud of each other.

Passionate couples brag on each other’s accomplishments. They talk about each other even when their mate is not around. They offer up each other’s importance and value to the world. They are proud to be committed to their mate and honored to be a part of the other’s life.

4. They go to bed at the same time.

Passionate couples, more often than not, go to bed together at the same time. It’s a sweet time to let go of the day and rest in each other. They re-connect, touch and feel each other physically and emotionally again. Bedtime is a ritual they do together. It’s a time to bond and give a last hug or kiss as a benediction for the day.

5. They see beyond the warts.

Passionate couples do not see each other as perfect. They see each other’s warts and flaws and imperfections but see beyond those things. They see their mate’s inner light and heart-shine and goodness. They see beyond the physical warts like a few extra pounds or a disability.

They see beyond health issues or life events that bring additional stress. They see the inside of their mate and love the inside more than the outside.

6. They take care of each other’s dreams.

Passionate couples trust each other with their dreams and know that their dreams are safe. They never make fun of or dismiss the dreams of the other.

Passionate couples tend and nurture each other’s dreams until the time comes for them to blossom. And they are happy for each other when that time comes and support the dream the best they can.

7. They have love rituals.

Passionate couples have love rituals that belong only to the two of them. They have a cup of coffee in bed together in the morning or they share a glass of wine at the end of the day.

Their love rituals are selfish and they are protective of them. They allow no one else in because passionate couples choose to make their mate the only person in the world for a little while. Because it’s important.

It’s time to be the passionate and romantic couple that other people watch!

Becoming a passionate couple doesn’t take a lot of hard work. It takes a heart full of desire. It takes a willingness to create romantic habits that keep you connected and passionate as a couple.

So take another look at the 7 habits above. Print them. Share them with your mate. Try them out!
Then sit together in a restaurant, all “into” each other, and watch other people watch you and know they are thinking, “Wow, I want what they have!”

Because it’s time for your relationship to be just as passionate and romantic as you want it!

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About the Author

Bob Grant, L.P.C.
Bob Grant is a Clinically Trained Relationship Expert who’s been working with women for over since 1997. He helps women create successful, satisfying, and fulfilling love relationships by simply understanding men. Click here to learn more about Bob.


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