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Getting Your Ex-Boyfriend Back (Secret ingredient)

I must admit that I have been pleasantly surprised at the popularity of “How Do I Get Him Back.” I knew there was a need but I didn’t know how great it was until now. While many women have taken advantage of my FREE 15-minute coaching session, some have not and have emailed me that after a “few days” the plan isn’t working for them.

It appears that some women are hoping to find a magical phrase that they can say to their ex which will cause him to come running back into their arms, instantly. I can tell you the only phrase that will come close to that is, “I will have sex with you whenever you want, without you having to commit to me.” That doesn’t sound too appealing, does it?

If you are one of these women, I need to tell you something. I know you don’t want to hear this but the truth of the matter is that it’s going to take TIME to win your ex back. I cannot tell you how many women give in to their fears and impulsively end up doing the very things I warn tell them not to do (ie. sending an email, letter, emotional phone call, etc..).

How much time, you ask? Usually between 2 and 6 weeks. Sometimes less and sometimes more because words are not as effective on men as they are on women. Words only work when the right phrase is said at the perfect time. I want to make certain that their ex FEELs as well as hears their words. I don’t like to leave anything to chance.

For those who aren’t sure what they should do, I’ve created a FREE guide to help women identify if they are making any of the mistakes that drive men off. This way you can decide if the man you want back is worth the effort.

Wishing you the Relationship of Your Dreams!

Bob Grant, L.P.C. “The Relationship Doctor”

Which Program Speaks to You?

Turn Conflict Into Connection

What if you had the ability to turn challenging emotional barriers into something to bring you closer? Master turning his anger into tenderness so you can transform his frustration into flirtation.

$19- Video

HIS bonding stages: HOW MEN FALL IN LOVE

There are certain stages in any romance when you can bond with your partner faster and easier if you only know how to make it happen. Learn what level you’re at and what you can do to grow closer.

$49- Videos + Audiobook + Ebook


There are pivotal points or moments for men that specifically trigger intimacy. Learn to think like a man so you can understand his perception of intimacy, his expectations, and the power you hold.

$49- Video + Workbook

Melt His Anger: Turn Conflict Into Connection

What if you had the ability to turn challenging emotional barriers into something to bring you closer? Master turning his anger into tenderness so you can transform his frustration into flirtation.

$49- Video

Turn Conflict Into Connection

What if you had the ability to turn challenging emotional barriers into something to bring you closer? Master turning his anger into tenderness so you can transform his frustration into flirtation.

$19- Video

HIS bonding stages: HOW MEN FALL IN LOVE

There are certain stages in any romance when you can bond with your partner faster and easier if you only know how to make it happen. Learn what level you’re at and what you can do to grow closer.

$49- Videos + Audiobook + Ebook


There are pivotal points or moments for men that specifically trigger intimacy. Learn to think like a man so you can understand his perception of intimacy, his expectations, and the power you hold.

$49- Video + Workbook

Melt His Anger: Turn Conflict Into Connection

What if you had the ability to turn challenging emotional barriers into something to bring you closer? Master turning his anger into tenderness so you can transform his frustration into flirtation.

$49- Video

About the Author

Bob Grant, L.P.C.
Bob Grant is a Clinically Trained Relationship Expert who’s been working with women for over since 1997. He helps women create successful, satisfying, and fulfilling love relationships by simply understanding men. Click here to learn more about Bob.


PROGRAMS FOR YOUR unique situation

Understanding Men:

What Are They Thinking?

Be Irresistible:

What Men Respond To Emotionally

Dating Advice:

Dating to Get Married

A Deeper Connection

Sustaining Relationships

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How to be
irresistible TO MEN

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