5 Tips for Classy & Romantic Texting

Texting is convenient. There’s no doubt about that. But due to its popularity as a communicative medium, texting has managed to get itself a reputation as being a bit “lowbrow”.

Texts flooded with ROFL’s, LMAO’s and other variations of body movements coupled with laughing haven’t helped the cause, I’ll grant you that. Nor does the fact that people often tend to forget that clicking shift brings up punctuation (beautiful, beautiful punctuation!). And the ease of sending that raunchy text that maybe should have stayed unwritten… well, that’s a whole other story. But texting doesn’t have to be this way.

It’s the modern-day love letter, after all, give it some credit!

In fact, by intentionally keeping clear of this trend of uncouth texting, you’ll set yourself above the rest as a highbrow, classy gal. Your texts will be something special in a sea of slang and incredibly hard to decipher acronyms. You’ll appear just like you are in person: classy, and timeless.

Ready to learn how to merge your class with the ease and convenience of texting? Read on for 5 tips on keeping your texting classy while texting him like a pro.

1. Text the Way You Naturally Speak

Your texts should be a good representation of who you are as a person. Unfortunately for you, your vocal inflections are seriously limited over your smartphone, which means that understanding the tone of the message is a little harder for the person at the other end. Because of this, you need to make sure every single word you type is 100% YOU. Don’t try to sound cooler or more intelligent than you are because if they don’t hear you, they won’t get you; they’ll just get someone who is trying wayyyy too

2. Don’t be Afraid to Flirt (subtly)

Building sexual tension over texts is completely different to sexting. You don’t need to go full throttle with the dirty texts and body shots. Your mom’s advice still stands even over text: – less is more. You just need to let him know what he’s missing.

Being classy does not mean being boring. You can still present an air of sophistication while adding a touch of excitement to the conversation. Injecting a little bit of mystique and risqué to the conversation will present you as the intelligent, exciting, and ambitious woman that you are.

3. Treat the Text as a Prelude

Try not to let everything out in a text message – or what will you have to talk about in person? Texting sets the mood for the face-to-face encounter; it doesn’t replace it. A series of short and exciting messages are perfect to warm him up.

Keep to the Twitter principle. If the text you want to send is too long to fit in a single tweet, then don’t send it. Nobody wants to be scrolling through a novel on a tiny phone screen. The key is to keep the conversation flowing, continuously building up the tension. You should be aiming for a series of quick back and forth messages.

4. Avoid Abbreviations and Text Lingo

This goes back to the first tip. Don’t text what you wouldn’t say in person – including such gems as ROTFLMAOWPIMP. (not sure what it means? Google it!

Text lingo takes all sophistication out of the conversation, and it also presents an appearance of laziness. Why should a guy spend time texting you if you can’t be bothered to type full words or even come up with an original response?

5. Pay Him Compliments

Any classy woman knows that a compliment goes a long way, and credit should be given where it’s due. Men appreciate compliments just as much as women do, so don’t be afraid to throw a few in there from time to time. The difference between a classy compliment and a generic, tacky one is all in the details. Make it personal, and thoughtful if you really want to make him feel special.

Texting is what you make it, and if you’re a classy lady then raising the bar for your texting standards should be a no-brainer. If you’ve been shying away from the texting game, then change the rules. Give classy texting a try, and I promise you, you won’t look back.

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About the Author

Bob Grant, L.P.C.
Bob Grant is a Clinically Trained Relationship Expert who’s been working with women for over since 1997. He helps women create successful, satisfying, and fulfilling love relationships by simply understanding men. Click here to learn more about Bob.


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